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Everyone in life is subjected to tests...

Litter E is no exception, during the socialization process of our puppies, they are subjected to behavioral tests from the start.

Behavioral tests allow us to determine temperament, breed type, defensive tendencies, dominance or sensitivity to touch, and in short, are indicators. From these tests, we learn how our chosen one behaves in a new place, with a new person, away from his usual guides. Of course, a good breeder can certainly determine the type of his charge, but we very much like to use this tool to get opinions from the outside, compare experiences and think about what else we need to work on 🐶

Our litters' tests are conducted by our reliable Ola Szydłowska from Top Dog Center 🥰 For a new guide, this is a kind of hint about what behaviors to expect from their pup as the puppies themselves have the opportunity to meet new people, places, and go through strange things in this warmth of Ola 🥰 According to the tests, we have exemplary representatives of the breed, proud with excellent adaptability and loving human company 🥰 During visits to Auntie, we always set up an obstacle course to strengthen self-confidence and body awareness, and you can watch it on recording 🐾 A second film with exercises with our puppies can be found here.

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