I assume your interest in gaining knowledge brought you here, and perhaps you are planning to become the owner of an exceptional creature like the Akita. You've come to the right place! We're eager to introduce you to our breeding program, its members, and share our own experiences, so let’s start from the beginning…
Hello, my name is Marcin. I initiated the story of the Take To Ko breeding program. From my earliest years, I grew up with dogs. Furthermore, I had the privilege of growing up alongside Olga and her Shiroiarashi kennel. It was she who infected me with love and passion for this extraordinary breed, shared her knowledge, experience, introduced me to the breeding world, and guided me through my first dog shows.
Not long after, Tora came into my life, followed shortly by Tadashii. In 2019, my partner Magda joined me, and together we conceived the idea of starting our own breeding program and our first litter. From there, things really took off…
When I was 14, thanks to Olga, my first male Akita, Doshin, entered my life. He was proud and dignified, a dream companion in daily life, but sadly, he fell ill and passed away at the age of 4…
2020 was a landmark year for our kennel, as the "Take To Ko" name was officially registered with the ZKwP (FCI) and our adventure truly began to unfold. Our family welcomed Mako Go Shiroiarashi, Magda's first Akita, a black-striped bitch with a strong character. Just a year later, our first litter of 10 puppies was born, sired by our tigress P'Tora Ojo Go Shiroiarashi and Asahi No Hikari B'Yamato. Among the puppies was Momoko, who stayed with us in Boguszyn. The following year, Mako became a mother for the first time, giving birth to 5 puppies, among them Tamiko, our little gem. Later that same year, our ranks were bolstered by Hasaki Team Denji, a white bear from Serbia, just under two weeks older than Tamiko. The two quickly became inseparable, providing us with plenty of excitement…
On this page, you'll learn a bit about our kennel and its members. We'll share our lives, experiences, and values with you. Here you'll find our perspective and some practical knowledge.
Before you decide for akita (QUIZ) How to choose right breeder? Breed standard ZKwP (FCI) Akita on Track (BLOG) ZKwP branch Poznań